

José Pizarro voice
Pepe Morales Luna citole
Irantzu Zuasti
Cristina Alís Raurich organetto
Mauricio Molina medieval frame drums (adufe, timbre), guimbarda, bagpipes

Directed by Dr. Mauricio Molina

Magister Petrus is an ensemble dedicated to the reconstruction and performance of music of the Romanesque and early Gothic periods. Directed by the musicologist Mauricio Molina, the group is primarily centered in two interwoven repertoires of the 12th and early 13th centuries: the so-called Latin Song or Vers genre comprised of a wide range of paraliturgical and secular art songs composed by clerics, and the music of the first and second generation of troubadours. Committed to rigorous scholarship and musically-satisfying reconstructions of a medieval repertoire, the group makes use of primary musical sources, analyzes iconographical and literary evidence, works hand-in-hand with musical instrument makers, and studies appropriate live music traditions in which some remnants of medieval practice can be recognized. With this multidisciplinary study Magister Petrus attempts to present a historically and musically coherent performance of some of the most exquisite musical traditions of the Middle Ages.

The name Magister Petrus pertains to a number of 12th– and 13th-century scholars named Peter (Petrus Abaelardus, Petrus Cantor, Petrus Blesensis, Petrus notator, Petrus de Cruce, and  Petrus Le Viser among others) whose compositions, theoretical contributions, and descriptions of musical life have helped modern scholars and performers to reconstruct the music practice of the Middle Ages.